Tuesday, December 3, 2013

LOST: The Ins and Outs of Bringing Rover Home

     Despite your best efforts as a pet owner, sometimes your pet can slip away in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace. So what happens when your dog is suddenly nowhere to be found? How do you get him/her back home safely? Here's a look at some of the most common and most effective ways of tracking and finding your dog.
    You may have heard of one of the more recent forms of identification for dogs: microchipping. Microchipping has proven to be a great aid to being reunited with your pet. The good old-fashioned collar is still the best way to give your potential pet rescuer a quick and easy way to contact you, but that's only if the collar's still there. What happens when it slips off? Suddenly there is not a single trace of any identification to link your pet back to you. This is where a microchip can serve as a remarkable backup option. It's true, most families don't have a microchip scanner just hanging out in their garage, but a lot of shelters and vets offices are more than willing to scan the animal for free. 
    Once the ID# is found, the rescuer can then proceed with entering the number into a pet finding site such as this one: http://www.petmicrochiplookup.org/ . This may be a good time to mention that the actual planting of the chip (about the size of a grain of rice; administered by needle, usually on the top side of the dog's neck) is only half of the initial microchipping process. The second step is to register your pet online with registries such as this one: http://www.microchipregistrationcenter.com/index.html . When the rescuer finds your pet, they will be able to enter your pet's individualized ID# into the registries. You will then be alerted that your pet has been found. 
    Animal shelters check for microchips as well, but DO NOT assume that they will contact you. Be proactive and contact them. Visit your local shelters and vets offices with all of the appropriate information about your pet. This includes breed, color, size, age, name, microchip number, any identifiable markings, what type of collar your pet was wearing when he/she became lost, location last seen, and any other information you may find useful. 
    One more option, although newer and a bit pricier, is the GPS tracking collar. There are a few variations of this, which include buying a system that has it's own hand-held device for you to track your dog, or going through your phone provider, which would enable you to see your dog's location from your smart phone. This could be a valuable resource, and may prove to be a good fit for your family.  
   There are also many social networking sites full of good-hearted people who are more than willing to help spread the word of your lost pet. Let's face it, when your pet is missing, you want to pull out all the stops to bring them back safely. Bring yourself a little more peace of mind and prepare ahead of time by making sure your pet is well identified.
    If they could just tell their rescuer their name and home address it would make the process a lot easier!! But since that's not an option, we must do what we can to prepare for any situation.
We wish the best to you and your pets! 
Bridgette for the 
Hidden Hollow Kennel family 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moving Forward!

   This summer brought with it lots of projects and "to do" lists, but as the weather's getting colder, things are winding down and we are slowly checking things off. On the list was to work through some technical updates, which included changing our slogan. "Your Next Puppy" was what we FINALLY decided on! You would think these decisions would be easier than they are!

 Another big project was our new welcome area/showroom/playroom. (We haven't completely decided on a name for this new room! Maybe you have some ideas?) Our kennel operates out of a renovated agricultural building, so that in itself added many twists and turns and complications to this new undertaking; but Jeff rose to the task and has created a beautiful, welcoming space for your family to visit with the pups.

   We've also added a new patio for you to utilize once the weather warms up again! You're going to want to bring the family and stay a while. This patio will come alive in the spring/summer when the flowers and vines are growing!
  Our new welcome area is just another step in our effort to be a kennel that operates above the standard. We are always looking for new ways to improve the systems we have in place. These, of course, include the care of our dogs, the vaccination plans we choose for our puppies, and the type of information we can provide you with as you leave. 
   We believe that an empowered and informed family is the foundation for a smooth transition for the new puppy. Kay does her best with passing along the most helpful tips she's come across over the years, but maybe there's something we're missing. If so, we want to know! What information would you like to see in your take-home bag? You can email us at hiddenhollowkennel@gmail.com with your ideas.
   We look forward to having you visit us soon!


Monday, May 6, 2013

RIP Tiny

Hello to all who have been keeping Tiny in your thoughts and prayers. 
Sometimes the stories in life simply don't end in the way we had hoped they would. It's with much sadness that I report that Tiny has passed away. It's our hope that her legacy of hope, strength, and courage will live on, and be a blessing to those who hear her story. There is much that we can learn from Tiny's short little life... Even when you feel that there is no hope left, keep on fighting. That's what Tiny did! Her body may have been weak, but her spirit was strong. Live with a strong spirit to accomplish your goals and reach your dreams today! In honor of Tiny! 

Best wishes to you and yours,

Bridgette and the Hidden Hollow family 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tiny's 2 Weeks Old!

Happy Monday to you! 
I wanted to give you an update on Tiny, and let you know she's still progressing! Kay has started bottle feeding her to help supplement what she's getting from her mom, in hopes that she will continue to gain strength. The main benefit of bottle feeding is that we can rest assured she is getting all the milk she wants. She and her brothers and sisters are still growing, with their eyes just opening up in the past several days. Continue to keep Tiny in your prayers!

Best wishes from our family to yours,


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let's All Root For Tiny!

  Say hello to Carmen's new little litter of Dachshund puppies. They were born on April 13, 2013. At birth, there was one very large puppy, and one very small, with the others being average size. Sometimes this can happen when the nutrients are somehow being cut off from one pup, and given mostly to another while in the womb. Sadly, a lot of times this results in the smaller puppy being underdeveloped, and not able to handle life in the outside world... But occasionally, there's a little girl like "Tiny," who puts up a fight that is absolutely remarkable. She has been eating well, and growing fast ever since birth. Granted, she's not completely in the clear just yet, but all of the signs at this point are looking very promising! 
So help us root for "Tiny," in hopes that she will continue to grow and one day be able to go to a family that will make her fight for life all worth it! 

Wishing the best to you and yours!
Bridgette and the rest of the Hidden Hollow family

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who We Are

  Let me be the first to personally welcome you to the newest addition to Hidden Hollow Kennel... our very first blog! We are excited about this opportunity to stay in touch with the families who have adopted pups from Hidden Hollow, as well as those who are still searching for their perfect pet. Our objectives in creating a blog are:

#1- To inform you of new happenings at our kennel 
#2- To pass along valuable information that will assist you in raising a happy, healthy pet (who hopefully knows where to go to the bathroom as well!)
#3- To help you get to know us, our values, and our high standards and goals 

 Let's start with a little introduction to us... 

  Jeff and I (Bridgette) are the proud owners of Hidden Hollow Kennel. We feel blessed to have the opportunity to raise quality, happy pups for families that are looking for their perfect little addition. 
  Jeff's role at the kennel is usually more on the maintenance end. He stays on top of all of the technical things, like broken washing machines and blown light bulbs. He is also working on a great new addition to our kennel. He's building a new "birthing center" for the expectant mothers, as well as a studio for you to have a place to sit and relax when you visit. He's working hard on it between his other jobs, but we're hoping to have it finished sometime in the near future! It's ready for drywall now!  
  I handle the marketing and online aspects of the kennel (Facebook page, website, and this new blog!). I am also usually the one to answer your emails. Once a week I help Kay with brushing all of the adults' teeth... it's an interesting job, for sure! But one we're happy to do for the health of our dogs.   Every other week I also take all of the photos you see on our website (bear with me, I'm not a pro yet, but I'm learning!). 
  Kay is our Kennel Manager, who is also a certified vet assistant. She does all of the daily wash downs and feedings at the kennel, as well as grooming, etc. Her love for animals truly shows in the way she cares for each one of the dogs individually. She even knows who likes certain kinds of treats, and all those other funny little quirks each dog has. She is also the smiling face to greet you when you come for a visit. Kay's always willing to answer questions and make sure you have all the information you need to give your puppy and your family a smooth transition into this new journey. 
  There are several others who love to come and play with the puppies, such as Kay's granddaughter and our niece. It's so much fun to see the wonder and excitement in the eyes of a child when they see a bouncy little puppy. 
  And, of course, the stars of our show... our dogs! I'm hoping to give you a chance to get to know them better as well in the months to come (via the blog). We have some of the sweetest and sassiest all under one roof, but every one of them is absolutely lovable. 

There you have it, folks! A brief look into who we are, and the roles we play in keeping our facility running smoothly. 

If you haven't done so already, be sure to check out our website http://www.hiddenhollowkennel.com/, and like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hidden-Hollow-Kennel/255828277816903

Until next time, make it a great day, and don't forget to save some time to make some memories with the people and pets you love!
From our family to yours,
Bridgette for the HHK crew